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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Connect to a Doctor Any Time Using Your Phone, Tablet, or Computer!

Occasionally we stumble on an idea that is so inventive that we wonder why no one thought of it sooner. Telemedicine for many families is the right idea at the right time. How many decades has it been since when a child became sick the doctor would come to the house in the middle of the night? Well, we are not talking about doctors actually visiting the home but a doctor consultation is only a telephone call away through doctor on call telemedicine.

When a member of the family becomes ill, there are normally two options. Drive the person to a medical clinic or make an appointment with the family doctor. Medical clinics are expensive and waiting rooms are frequently crowded with people. Waiting times can be long and arduous. Family doctors are rarely reachable by telephone and will not prescribe medication without an examination requiring a future appointment in the physician's office. Again, the wait in an office full of sick people can be long and frustrating.

Doctor on call provides immediate medical consultation from the comfort of the home. Registered nurses are available by phone 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They access the patient's medical records and perform a triage based on the symptoms described. If the situation warrants a doctor's consultation, the patient is called by board certified physicians (located in all 50 states) participating in the program within one hour. Prescriptions are immediately submitted to the pharmacy of the patients choosing. The doctor's diagnosis and a trip to the pharmacy can be completed in two hours or less. Participants of the program are not charged for the nurse consultation but are charged $35.00 when a doctor consultation is necessary. Medical clinics charge an average of $150.00 for a visit.

This membership program allows its members to make unlimited free nurse calls to ask questions and receive information about their health, illnesses and medications. This is a proven informational health program that combines confidential, non-directive healthcare decision counseling by registered nurses with credentialed medical information and provides access 24 hours a day.The program is not a panacea for all medical problems, but is a true medical concierge service providing quick and easy diagnosis of the problem and at least temporary relief through immediate medication. As a bonus, the program provides discounts up to 60% on medications at 50,000 pharmacies across the United States.

Doctor on call is not insurance and is not a substitute for a doctor's examination but when a family member becomes ill in the middle of the night, a decision needs to be made as to the severity of the problem. Is this a crisis that requires immediate attention with a trip to the emergency room or can it be resolved and treated through telephone diagnosis and prescription drugs? Emergency room visits can cost up to $1,500.00, to the uninsured or substantial co-pay for those who are insured. Statistically, 90% of all emergency room visits can be resolved by telephone. At the very least, a doctor on call will determine the necessity of the emergency room visit.

Telemedicine is not a new concept. High profile athletes and wealthy entertainers have always had 24 hour access to doctors but now this luxury is affordable for most Americans. It is a particularly valuable service to large families since membership covers all household members. To realize how valuable this service can be, one only has to become ill while on vacation or a business trip out of state where the primary care physician is unable write a prescription. The peace of mind alone of knowing medical professionals are immediately accessible is worth the low monthly cost.

Doctor on call telemedicine is available to anyone. 

Visit https://telemedone.info for more information on this groundbreaking medical service.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7131044

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