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Friday, May 1, 2020

How to Increase Sexual Pleasure

If intellect is our crowning glory as has been suggested by some writers, then pure raw unadulterated passion must be our blazing momentum. Without it, we are but stifled stoic heady foreboding pundits. Not so inviting for investing ourselves with others in ardently induced sacred sensual sexual involvements.

The head though formidable in applying intelligence in innumerable situations, is incapable of feeling what the body can and will experience, if allowed to flow into the moment without interpretation.
There are some places 'logic' is banned and certainly NOT welcome: the erotic bedroom's atmosphere is at the top of the list.

If we spend our time trying to figure out our most intimate relationships (sexual attractions and fantasy filled desires) by and through 'logic', we will miss the satisfactorily desired experience altogether. In other words, there is neither rhyme nor reason to our sexually motivated desirability. In the case of hot-blooded raw physical pleasure, the body speaks one voice of intent while the head rambles on needlessly incoherent

Once we start to analyze our relationships, the innocently pleasurable bliss is lost. We simply can't interpret and experience at the same time! The human body is designed to experience deep rewarding pleasure. Many ways can we elicit such unending joy, but the sublimely sacred sexual union undoubtedly holds the number one spot while inhabiting the earth plane.
Sexuality is the highest form of spirituality available to mankind. We start with sacred sensual sexual artistic intimacy as the sanctified point where we develop the art of cherished loving relatedness. I am not saying for one moment that we don't move on through this indelible union of the co-joining of spirits at some time in our lives, but what I am saying is that it never ceases to be a pivotal point of celestial pleasure of god's undeniable grace, beauty and charity.

WE express ourselves sexually with every movement we make with our bodies. Our eyes penetrate another's soul; our hands caress the warmness of another's flesh, our smiles radiate kindness without saying a word, our walk solicits the connection of loving attractiveness, our embrace transfers highly charged sensual divine energy while our laughter invokes inspiring loving receptivity.
When the head enters the picture, by calculating the future, tabulating the effort, analyzing the amount of affection, formulating conditions and expectations, measuring allocated responses, the body's 'natural and convenient' appealing reflexes shut down. The body's vivacious alluring physically attracting hypnotically invigorating sensual device flickers and wanes.

Also, when the head gets too much in the picture, body image begins to take precedence. The head causes a domino effect of negative insecure visual images to be played on the forefront of the mind inhibiting the sexual pleasure profusely. It's impossible to be thinking about one physical shape while entwined in lovemaking. The two activities just don't go together!

Ecstatic lovemaking is totally unconscious! Once immeasurable engaged, you have given way to the troths of the deepest recesses of inexpressible pleasure! No room for thoughts of any kind; certainly no resentment, pay back, compensation, jealousy, unresolved anger, clinging, wanting to prove something, living in the past, comparison, doubting, and/or competition.
Whatever amount of bitterness, any unpaid bill of forgiveness, and incessant worry, that you carry in your head, when you engage in delectable indescribable sexual commotion, will interfere with the pleasurable activity.

Again, I repeat: the head, with its overflowing content of negativity or contemplated expectation or calculated committed result, is not welcome in the bed except to enact or supply physical pleasure. Under those conditions, alone does one truly enjoy the ineffable pleasure associated in the beautifully sacred divine sensual gifted art of lovemaking.

Now is not the time to be making decisions, tabulating results or bringing up unanswered issues of ill dissent. Leave these matters outside of the bedroom. Also, leave all thoughts of morality at the doorstep. The couple's bedroom is a highly reverent sphere of celestial eroticism designated for human physical pleasure. Nothing bars this god given attribute from two consenting adults.
Remember: lovemaking is a definitively consecrated process of sharing the inestimable love we each possess within each cell of our bodies. Love is electric! Love is charismatic! Love is energetic! Love is erotic! Love is creative! Love is spontaneous! Love is effervescently raw!

Love is innocent and artistic! Love is real and unpretentious! No resemblance to perfection! It comes as it comes; just as sacredly sensual as it desires to be.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5090023

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